An eternal starting point from which you can emerge cleansed and rejuvenated. Like a private New Year's Eve.
I walked through the park to get to the Meridian Line.
The stillness of the ancient trees seemed to laugh at all my “real life”/ “work related” stresses. (Some of the trees are around 400 years old - yes I know I’m a nerd - I like it) If the trees could sing they would serenade me with the Beatle’s song “Because”. Or maybe that’s just the mood I’m in.
“Because the world is round it turns me on”. If you’ve never heard it you’re in for a treat.*
So I climbed up them, I climbed the trees and remembered what it was like to be a kid. By the way if you don’t remember getting up is the easy bit. On the way down you have to calculate the jump. It was challenging. A good thing to imagine is the roll you must perform during a parachute landing, even if you’ve never done one. I've never done one but it works.
And that’s when I saw them. He wore a pink knitted hat with a bobble and she was all covered up in layers and lying in his arms. They looked out towards London and had their backs to me.
I took their picture and walked on when an urge came and spread it’s tentacles across my brain.
Urge: Go give them the picture!
Me: I’ll look stupid.
Urge: You’re a grown woman who was climbing a tree a minute ago.
Me: They didn’t see it, they’ll think I’m stupid.
Urge: Go give them the picture.
So I walked back.
I cautiously approached and showed it to them. In my best "I’m not weird" face. (What does that even look like? I must check in the mirror).
You know what happened?
They laughed, they were delighted. They were happy that their combined image had inspired someone to take a photo. It was romantic. I sent it to them whilst we were still talking and left them to their giggling (Instant Good Karma).
Having spent the morning looking and acting stupid I stepped over the Prime Meridien feeling a little bit renewed, with a smile on my face.